Thursday 8 March 2007

8 March International Women's Day

This day became a day for women because of protests starting around the turn of the last century, 19th to 20th that is. These protests were often regarding working conditions and voting rights. (See wikipedia for info.)
The day was instated as IWD. In the 1920's marches and such petered out and it was not until the 1960's with the return of feminism that IWD was celebrated again.
Today it is a national holiday in some countries like Vietnam, Russia, Bulgaria, Moldovia, Belarus, Armenia...however not in "the West"!
Personally I understand and appreciate the importance and need for IWD, however I wish it were not the ONE day per year. Every day of every week and every month and every year is a day for all and every living being on this planet. Integration and interdependence is the key to life and to survival. We must put our minds and hearts and souls to this goal.
See for events in your part of the world.

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