Saturday 5 January 2008

Democracy Now

I highly recommend Democracy Now as a source of news, and of course I read the Guardian. The weekly Guardian based in Manchester is also superb.
So check out:

Congratulations on Iowa Barack!

Barack Obama

Friday 4 January 2008

To you who visit my blog

Hallo dear visitors,
Wishing you a very special New Year in 2008!
I would really like to know "who" you are and what some of your thoughts are on this blog or in general on the virtual world of sharing via blogs etc.
I have been posting for about a year now and I do enjoy it because I like to search for images and think about the topics or communicate about some film or artist etc.
However, I have been thinking about changing the format and that is why I am asking you for some feedback.
After a year of blogging I can say that it fulfills one need of being in touch with friends and fellow humans without the need for a response, or a dialogue which can be frustrating in terms of the wait period. However I seldom do hear anything at all and the interactive i.e. comments part of the blog has barely been used.
It could be the finding of many other bloggers I do not know.
The virtual notebook may now give way for something else.
Please DO be in touch, Libellebleu (bluedragonfly)

Wednesday 2 January 2008

What I love...

They are so beautiful!
I get hypnotized by their movements and beauty.
Sat once on a dock in Queensland, Australia watching blue jellyfish for hours.
I even touched it!

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Have a Mindful New Year in 2008!

Last night I went to Harnham Monastery with a friend for a New Years celebration.
It was the way I wanted to spend the end of one year and the beginning of another.
How grateful I am that where I live there are three buddhist monasteries within about approx 2 hours drive!
Since coming to live in rural Northumberland there is much that I now do not have at my fingertips like when I lived in an urban environment. However what I do have includes this accesibility to buddhist practice opportunities in a sangha. Community can be so important even essential for any activity be it spiritual, creative, healing, intellectual or just living.
The talk centred on four topics;
It was an inspiring talk and I felt very connected to the contents and I felt new doors opening in how I see and experience my living situation and daily life.
The temple was serene and beautiful, the ritual meaningful and the atmosphere positive.
I include an interior photograph of the temple. Wood is the dominant material used and it is warm and somehow breathing and living.
We chanted and meditated and wrote aspirations and forgivings down on paper which we later burned and offered.
I felt held in this ship this large space of individuals each one engaged in focussed celebration of life and other living beings.
Thank you.

Sunday 30 December 2007

Patti Smith

Happy Happy Birthday Patti Patti Smith born today in 1946!