Friday 8 June 2007

Frank Lloyd Wright

Model for the Guggenheim Museum-FLW on the far left.

An early work a Filling station
A drawing for an Opera House

Falling Water House
InteriorFLW Glass window

Barrell chair

Husser table
FLW himself
He was born today in 1867 in Wisconsin and died in Scottsdale. Arizona in 1959.
A prominent and influential architect not only in the United States but also in Europe he practised what is called Organic Architecture.
The Guggenheim Museum in NYC and the Falling Water house are two of the most well-known buildings. I have been to see as many as I have been able to over the years. The Hollyhock House in Los Angeles is truly interesting and you can also go inside and see the original interior.
Chicago has several houses of his in the Oak Park neighbourhood. In Scottsdale where he lived at the end of his life and died at, is now a FLW museum well worth a visit! He had an intuitive feeling for wood and the furniture and interiors he designed reflect this innate sense of wood. His leaded window designs are frequently "plagiarised" and really not particularly well.
I love the diversity of FLW. His drawings are beautiful in their own right and his life was quite extraordinary.
I am sure there will be a Hollywood film made of his life starring some handsome hunk and falling flat just like the Sylvia Plath film did and many others. A feature length film takes on a hell of a challenge to tell an infinitely complex life story involving so much creative work and personal history. I think almost impossible. I have seen a few that have been good e.g. Before Night Falls and one on Francis Bacon.

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