Tuesday 17 June 2008

Full Moon and Summer Solstice

For a while circumstances have kept me away from the computer and the internet in general.
Not necessarily a bad thing. In fact I found it quite liberating.
Not checking my e mail more than weekly, taking a break from blogging etc. It was a nice break.
Now I am back but less frequently and that feels just right.
Balance is what I am striving for.
Equinoxes and Solstices are about balance. Light and dark, day and night, seasons, growth, rest, dualities, yin and yang. Mainly however it is balance and it is delicate.
We depend upon a healthy balance. That is why we need to focus every day on the issues that we have to address regarding our home our terra firma. This is not just "our" planet but all living things.
I know I am stating the obvious, but I have found that when you get caught up in the daily carousel of living it is easy to forget. To forget about balance.

1 comment:

autumnleaf said...

nice to be back in
your garden...thanks for sharing..
am in the middle of several weeks
in nyc....
best to you