Saturday 2 August 2008


We have been having torrential monsoon like rains here of late. The country side is drinking it up greedily since we have also had a spell of heat, sun and dry weather before.
It is amazing to see things literally GROW after the watering followed by more sun and warmth. If you sit long enough in a field or a garden you can...
I am reminded of Alan Dugan, a poet who lived on Cape Cod, who would take children to watch flora grow in the dunes in summer. Such wondrousness and eyes of discovery.
The cats are less fond of the rain and wait until its all over and then tread gingerly over the wet grasses and try to make headway to paths in order to get out and about.
They get quite stir crazy when it rains here and fight with each other like people sometimes do when they feel trapped. When they come back indoors all wet we towel them off!
I have not been able to keep up with all the growth and so called weeding that has to be done in the beds. I can not tell the difference between weeds and other plants really. I find most of them beautiful and keep them anyway. I have gorgeous large thistles, Indian paintbrushes, buttercups and dandelions.
One definition is that which is invasive.
Does that make us weeds? It would look that way!

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