Tuesday 28 October 2008

First Frost

This morning we awoke to the first heavy frost. The fields all around were white and the garden too. Glistening in the sun. This day is beautiful. Bright sunlight, blue sky and the country alive. Birdsong, activity all around as small animals and birds eat seeds, mushrooms and rosehips. There are plenty here. More and more light reaches through as the trees shed their leaves. Last night the sky was clear and full of stars. It reminds me of a clear night in Canada or the Northeast of the States.
The cottage is full of light and beckons me to go out. I will soon since I want to go filming in the valley for my Tarset project.
I have several on the go. Editing a couple of dvd films on poets, filming for two artist biopics and continual personal art work. It seems to be the way to go living rurally like this to have several projects going on simultaneously.
I shall also plant some bulbs while the weather obliges. I have some gorgeous tulips white and "black", Queen of the Night.
Holding my breath as the US election day comes closer and closer. I am sending prayers at this point across the ocean. The last US election shifted the course of my personal life as it changed the life of many. I decided that if Bush won I would not return to the US to live and naturally I never thought he could possibly win! He did so I stayed in the UK.
This time I have decided something else. Am I gambling? Of course not. Of course I am.
It really matters where you live. I have found that more and more in my life. Especially how important it is to actually have that choice.

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