Friday 27 February 2009

Ruminations on India

Since I can remember I have wanted to visit India.
Over the years I have read a great deal of Indian writers, mostly novelists but also non-fiction and poetry. I poured over these books for a number of years when I lived in Cambridge, Mass and had access to them through the bookstore I worked at.I was a voracious reader.
Now I have a lot of other reading to do for my work and research so it is not as focussed on India.
I wonder what it is about. I have still to visit but it looks closer than ever now.
I had a friend who had lived in Varanasi/Benares for a time studying sanskrit. I learned a lot from listening to the tales of that time.
Some close friends I know have been and repeatedly go to India and they return in some way changed each time. They practise Tibetan Buddhism and go to the centres in India.
I am still not sure what this fascination, interest and draw is all about, but I am sure to know more when I actually go.
Have you been? What would you like to share about your experience?

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