Thursday 16 April 2009


I have not written on this blog for several days because we have had the most exquisite lovely weather lately.
Easter was glorious with warm sunny days and I spent them all outside although I was meant to be working to deadline on a film I am editing!
In this part of the world if it is a beautiful day you drop everything and just bask in it because you never know when the next one will come along!
So in between planting and drinking tea outdoors with the cats, they are marvellously helpful gardeners by the way and they do love digging!, I have been working on the film and for that I am glad.
A white peony went in below the rosa rugosa. Fruit trees all along the dyke where we found a huge stone lintel. More wild garlic which I am trying to establish near the ditch in the shady part under the shrubs.
Gardening has become for me a way to come to terms with living out here in the wilds.
I am trying to do un-invasive gardening where I encourage what grows here happily and introducing things that may very gently. I also do not prune hard and heavily I like to see how things will grow. I am encouraging what is native to here and grows in the wild. E.g. wild garlic, and cowslips.
Editing in between forays into the garden and sitting on the bench with a view and hot tea is a great way to work. I am grateful.
Yes and especially so because spring has finally arrived!

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