Sunday 10 May 2009

Rainbows and hailstorms

Yesterday as we drove back from Bellingham, our nearest village, where we do our errands; the newsagent for papers, the bakers, the co-op, the bank, the post-office, the chemist, and an occasional Farmers Market or Jumble Sale and my favourite the hard-ware store! Ferreteria!
In any case on the way home there was a large rainbow over the tiny hamlet we live in.
And today we had a hailstorm, but the hail was not round little iceballs but ice triangles like little arrowheads!Fergus came up to me miao-ing away and then ran inside through the cat-door which has a sign that says Cat Cottage.
April weather par excellence in May!
The film is done and I am so glad and relieved. A weekend of post-partum, feeling weepy and little raw. It was an intense time with Samuel Menashe. I think it is good.
Another project to start up on for June and always much to do but today I took time to sit on my bench in the garden, drinking tea and enjoy the sun and plant seeds.

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