Saturday 2 June 2007

June First Full Moon

Luna was spayed/fixed/done today at the Vets and we were shattered!
First of all taking her there along the long Roman road and she was crying out in her hot pink voyageur while I was singing cover versions of practically all the songs I know but with pussy cat references instead. The favourite was Because the night...
I had just heard Patti Smith at the Sage after all!
She then had to be picked up in the afternoon with a huge shaved area and a cut with stitches.
She seemed okay. Hillary the vet said she was in good form and that she just needed rest and time from the kittens. Hard to arrange! By the time we got home she had eaten up the stitches and had a gaping hole! I almost fainted, called the vet and got instructions...Luna seems to be handling it much better than we are. It has been a stressful day and night, and now they are united again in a basket with a soft blanky.
No more days on heat and extra affection, no more kittens, and no more looking out for suitable fellows.
I will look out for a photo I can post.

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