Wednesday 4 March 2009


Klimt: Orchard with Roses

I have been dreaming about an orchard with fruit trees. For years I have found that word ORCHARD so evocative. The Cherry Orchard of course but also in the sense of memory. Going off on our bicycles my friend Anne and I would go to orchards with meadows in between the trees and set out a blanket, drink tea and read our library books. That is how I like to remember my summers! Reading in orchards.
Also, who was it that said stolen fruit tastes better?
Here at Sheep Cottage I inherited three fruit trees, two apple and one Victoria plum. One of the apples is a cooking apple.
Just the other day in anticipation of spring I ordered four more fruit trees. A cherry, another apple, a pear and another plum. My dream of an orchard is slowly getting there.
My son teases me because I have been calling the three trees at the bottom of the garden "the orchard" since I moved here. I have hung up a hammock, there is a bird house...
Now I am wondering where to plant the new ones...
Orchards somehow are synonymous with pleasure, childhood summers, dreams, melancholy even...I like to visit them world over; olive trees, pomegranate, almond...
Also orchards need labour but the yield is divine. We need our bees!

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