Tuesday 20 October 2009

Cats sleeping on the window sill

How peaceful it is so see the cats sleeping nearby on the sill as I look away from the computer screen and see the autumn leaves outside.
Leaves are leaving the trees and the birches shed yellow petals and they are much like borders on the lane.
It is very warm in the cottage, outside is cool, the radio is on and I will play my CD from London again very soon.
"Here comes the sun", a cover by Charlie Dore, is so good it sticks. Alright alright alright...not like the leaves at all.
Tibetan prayer flags in the tree blowing in the wind will be like colourful buntings throughout the winter with its bare branches.
Wait a minute does winter have bare branches?
My memory is like snow.
It is good to be home but I do miss my bestest friend and all the fun we had in London! We had a wonderful time!
One night we went to an interesting Brazilian exhibition with contemporary young artists juxtaposed to already dead artsists e.g. Lygia Clark who also made contemporary art. The result was very good. We saw Guy Brett and David Medalla and talked to them. They are two very different people but equally alive and open to art and they make good things happen.
Also I had a lovely talk with Hugo Williams about Samuel Menashe, a poet living in NYC, whom I made a film about last year. I met Hugo's wife Hermione who lives in France and it was another moment of "six degrees of separation" when it turned out she knew a friend of ours.
Afterwards we went back to the Brazilian Ambassadors residence for a drinks party. It was sublime! An opulent Mayfair mansion all gilded and marbled with a grand staircase and a courtyard garden to boot! His art collection was most eclectic and I was particularly fascinated by these Brazilian wood carvings all out of one piece of wood. I enjoyed meeting the ambassador and his wife very much. Such gracious people. All in all the evening was marvellous and we met new friends and old.
Technically I suppose we were in Brazil for the night!

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