Wednesday 25 November 2009

Continued deluge of rain and wind

Never ending it seems, and so I dream away. Dream of summer, dream of the garden, dream of projects, dream of Moomin Valley.
Above is the bathing/boat house where Tooticky hung out in the winter.
In the States they will be celebrating Thanksgiving. There is much to be giving thanks for. I have a notebook for gratitude nearby.

I am thankful that I am still alive. I would not have known all that I know now if I were not. Not known rural life, living with cats, making books, knowing poets up close and personal, missing my friends in the US because I care, meeting new members of my family I never knew existed, praying for my son each and every day, true appreciation from loved ones,...

I do believe we are agents in our own destiny as well as by manifesting we can accomplish direction and opportunity but there is also a great element of chance. Surprise is what I am grateful for because sometimes we cannot even imagine what we need or want.

There are always choices we make , consciously or not. Daily decisions, and it is important to recognise that. I call it my "mouse epiphany". When I was going through upheaval in my life a decade or so ago it was also a time of a great many epiphanies! The "post office queue", the "wedding" one...
Plus someone whom I loved dearly guided me with Rilke's words "You must change your life".
It is true I have made decisions to move away from and to move towards...Often to escape a toxic situation and go towards the unknown...These have been vital. Vital to my survival and still being alive today. For this I give thanks.

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