Friday 30 November 2007

Marina Abramowic

Today is the birthday of Marina Abramowic. She is a very interesting artist who works in performance as well as in film/video and installation.
I look to her work, as well as to the work of Patti Smith, Agnes Varda, Mona Hatoum, Ann Hamilton, Gillian Jagger, Louise Bourgeois, Kiki Smith, Rebecca Horn, Tracey Moffat, Annette Messager, Ana Mendieta, Betye Saar and Shirin Neshat. They inspire/d me to be a better artist. Meret Oppenheim and Niki de St Phalle were the first artists I came in contact with as a very young girl and who awoke that desire and calling in the first place. My grandmother had paved the way. She had been an art student in Stockholm during the first years when women were able to go to art school at all. To me she was a pioneer. A beacon.

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