Thursday 12 February 2009


Suketu Mehta

Mira Nair

I started reading Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found by Suketu Mehta. I have just begun a research period in preparation for a trip to India. This is one of the books recommended to me by a friend.
Mira Nair the filmmaker has worked with Suketu Mehta also on e.g. Salaam Bombay!I like her work very much.I will also re-visit her films in this time of delving into anything pretty much to do with Bombay. Do you know her work?
It is early yet in this book but so far it is very easy to read. The language is almost chatty. Informative it is for certain, even though it may be the author's very own opinions they are worth reading.
So I will get back to you on this one. But it is a perfect book for a snowy afternoon as the dark settles over the valley.


autumnleaf said...

Bobbi and Gerard are in India now, half-way through a three month trip-they have been in India many times, but never so much to the south and west coast. it is a djang continent...i envy you your adventure.

Pamela Robertson-Pearce said...

Well do not go so far as to envy me! I am not going for a long time yet! Not until next winter if it indeed happens.I was meant to go last Dec but changed my plans after the recent events in Bombay.
Adventures are great, but they can be had in ones very own garden! No need for grand trips all over the world.
This is something I have wanted to do for years and is part of my spiritual journey. Hope all is well with you.