Thursday 13 August 2009

The Glorious Twelfth!

Was yesterday.
It refers to Grouse Season shooting beginning around here. That is the day/date when they can begin shooting the pheasants and grouse that have happily lived on these fields and hills since last year. They are such colourful birds and we enjoy seeing them as they come into the garden to eat the goodies left out for them all through winter and spring. They breed on the fells and some of the big landowners around here employ Gamekeepers to make sure the birds of prey and animals of prey are "controlled" so that the more survive for shooting season. Makes sense does it not?!
The pubs start serving pheasant on their menus shortly perhaps even today!
Most of the birds are sent straight to London and to the fancy restaurants there.
I did not want to write about it yesterday, needed a bit of distance to the whole thing.
It has been a tradition in these parts for ages. This is a land of hunts, big estates with suitable open landscape, horses can charge across the fells and fast and furious hounds can bound.
Big parties go out with hunters on foot and the thrashers that scare the birds out of their hiding places!
People pay big money to come to these shoots, mainly from other areas and countries however.
We looked at the stars last night and feared for our beloved birds of beauty.
Gamekeepers have been known to shoot cats and dogs to protect the "wild" birds that they own!
Yesterday becomes yesteryear in one fell swoop.

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