Thursday 5 November 2009

Autumn clearing

Spent some time in the garden clearing up after the big Samhain bonfire. It left a large area cleared and well prepared for next spring. The view over the fells is stupendous from the garden and the Byre, aka as the new room. It will be so good when there is a terrace there in front of the window/door, the view faces west and the sunset.
There is a lot of clearing up to do. Cutting branches that have been damaged by the storms of late, cutting back overgrowth/undergrowth that has run wild.
Decisions regarding where to plant some trees I have waiting to go in. Those have to be made carefully, esp since I am really planting for the future, for many years forward. 40, 50 and more...
The Ash is growing beautifully reaching into the sky next to the three fruit trees in the orchard. Birches, ash, beech, those are the trees in this garden. I am going to plant a ginkgo and a sweet chestnut.
I also need to decide where to put in more soft fruit bushes. These are very challenging decisions and it takes me ages...
Marigolds are still blooming and keep producing more buds- extraordinary flowers. No wonder they were my Mormors favourite.
I think if I draw a plan of the garden it might be easier to decide locations.

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