Saturday 7 November 2009

Noises from the attic

Raining outside tonight, the cats sleeping tight, and suddenly I hear noise from the attic just above me in the sitting room.
Myles looked up startled out of sleep staring at the beamed ceiling.
We listened as we heard little scratchy sounds. There has not been life in the attic since the cats moved in! It must be this spell of chilly wet weather that is bringing life indoors to hibernate.
Let's see how this evolves.

Still contemplating the garden plans. Perhaps it is better to clear it up more first in order to get to see more of the actual structure, the skeleton of it.

This is a good time of year, despite the wet waterlogged ground, for clearing up. The leaves being down show the trees and views better, and the shrubs become more accessible as the tall surrounding growth dies down. Thank goodness I have Ben to help me!

It is also a productive time for me in terms of my work. Next years covers are practically all done and I am writing, translating and reading a lot. Researching a new film project as well! This is how I like to work, several irons in the fire as the expression goes.
Some films are moving at a slower pace, others close to completion and already this year I finished three! It can feel strange having several projects ongoing simultaneously...a split mind...but I rather that than one at the time. It can be so constipating.

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