Friday 6 November 2009

Started the plan

Well I found a piece of paper that looked like the garden in shape. Perfect.
Then I drew the fixtures in, e.g. the Byre entrance/exit, the borders, the existing large trees, the directions,...and then I stopped to think. That is where I am still...thinking, dreaming, planning...

This morning we awoke to severe ground frost. It had been a clear moonlit night and Fergus loves those kind. He was out for hours, even missed breakfast! Highly unusual for him.

Heard from my sister that there is snow in Sweden and heard from Francis snow in Berlin and from Karol snow in Poland.

The writing is going really well on Vital Signs. It is bringing up some good issues for me to think through and deal with. This type of writing works for this subject, subjective, in the first person narrative with an analytical descriptive element. I like it , it works for me.

Somehow autumn, and the re-evaluating, reflecting and rememberingt hat takes place is ideal. This is the time for this piece of work. Thank you.

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